Message from the President

As a comprehensive packaging company that goes beyond just printing,
we want to provide faster, more affordable and better services.
In response to stringent societal demands, we have streamlined our production process, enabling us to deliver products swiftly, reduce costs, and maintain high quality. Each OSP production site operates nearly 365 days a year and we leverage IT, efficiently allocate resources, and operate our facilities with a steadfast commitment to our customer-first philosophy to produce better products faster and cost-effectively.
With the enforcement of packaging container recycling laws and mandatory ingredient labeling, society's focus on safety, health, and the environment is intensifying. We recognize our social responsibility as a leading supplier of containers and packaging materials, and we remain committed to offering environmentally friendly products. Our products, such as clear plastic film and labels, carry out various functions required by modern consumers, including information dissemination and security. We think about how we can contribute to society with each feature. We are always asking ourselves these questions, shaping the future with innovative ideas and passion that transcend printing.